Birth Time Rectification
This is based on the rule proposed by Shri.M.P.Shanmugham in “Astrosecrets and KP”, Volume – 2, 2003 Edition, pp. 80 – 85. There has to be a connection between the ASC sublord and MOON starlord. If there is a connection, then the birth time is correct, else it is incorrect. Definition of “Connection” 1) For the purposes of calculation, a planet A is deemed to be “Connected with” a planet B if and only if any of the following is true: a) A and B are the same planet b) A is the sign/star/sub/subsub lord of B c) B is the sign/star/sub/subsub lord of A d) A and B are in the same sign e) B aspects A (by Vedic aspect) f) A is in the star/sub/subsub of a NODE and the NODE is an agent for B 2) Agency Rule: NODE is an agent for PLANET if and only if any of the following is true: a) NODE and PLANET are in the same sign b) NODE is in the sign of PLANET c) PLANET aspects NODE (by vedic aspect)