
Birth Time Rectification

This is based on the rule proposed by Shri.M.P.Shanmugham in “Astrosecrets and KP”, Volume – 2, 2003 Edition, pp. 80 – 85. There has to be a connection between the ASC sublord and MOON starlord. If there is a connection, then the birth time is correct, else it is incorrect. Definition of “Connection” 1) For the purposes of calculation, a planet A is deemed to be “Connected with” a planet B if and only if any of the following is true: a) A and B are the same planet b) A is the sign/star/sub/subsub lord of B c) B is the sign/star/sub/subsub lord of A d) A and B are in the same sign e) B aspects A (by Vedic aspect) f) A is in the star/sub/subsub of a NODE and the NODE is an agent for B 2) Agency Rule: NODE is an agent for PLANET if and only if any of the following is true: a) NODE and PLANET are in the same sign b) NODE is in the sign of PLANET c) PLANET aspects NODE (by vedic aspect)

Grouping of Houses for KP Prashna

  Grouping of Houses The m aterial below is an excerpt from Bhatt's  Nakshatra Chintamani    Longevity: Consider Houses 1, 8,and 3 for Longevity. Maraka Houses.   The 12th to any particular house denotes non-existance of the matter signified by that particular house. So the houses 12 (12th to 1), 7 ( 12th to 8) and 2 (12th to 3) are known as the maraka (death dealing) houses Badhaka houses.  The house 11 is badhaka (harmful to life) to those born in Moveable signs as their Ascendants; the 9th for those born in Fixed signs and 7th for those born in Common signs Death:  The Badhaka houses are more harmful than the Maraka houses. So for death consider first the Badhaka house and then Maraka houses. Saturn is the chief governor of longevity.   Health: Consider the Ascendant for Health.  Disease and Cure: Consider House 6 for sickness or disease. For cure, consider houses 1, 5 and 11; the 1st for health, the 5th is 12th to 6th indicating abse...

KP Rules pertaining to Marriage & Divorce

  The  7th cusp or bhava sub lord will decide whether one will get married or not  , whether it will  it take place  earlier or later .  The 3rd cusp sub lord will reveal when the negotiation for the marriage comes to final. The 5th cusp sub lord will   reveal whether one will get love marriage or arranged marriage. The 2nd   cusp sub lord denotes Family. The 11th cusp lord will revel fulfillment of desires. So 2, 3, 5 ,7 .11  houses are to be to be judged   for  marriage . If  the  7 th  sub lord signifies 2 , 3 ,7 and  11 houses  , without any connection to the houses 4 and 10 the  marriage will take place early . If the 7 th  sub lord signifies  2 , 5  , 7 and  11 and if it is connected 4 and 10 th houses the marriage Will  be delayed . if the 7 th  sub lord signifies  6  ,  1...

KP Astrology - 4 step theory

Copied from internet source for further testing. Four Step Theory THIS sets down the essential rules given by Mr. Sunil Gondhalekar in his Lessons, written in the K.P.Style. The Basic principle of KP is that A Planet gives the results indicated by its Star Lord and Sub Lord. THE FOUR STEPS TO DETERMINE HOUSES SIGNIFIED BY ANY PLANET ARE: 1. The Planet itself (House residence, Houses Owned) 2. The Star Lord of the Planet: (Same house resident, houses owned) 3. The SUB LORD of the Planet: 4. The Star Lord of this sub lord: For prediction, we have to consider that all houses, are signified by the Planet, some Primarily, and some Secondarily First Step THE 1ST STEP in the 4 step Theory is: A Planet becomes the Significator of the HOUSE where it resides, and of the House/Houses It OWNS This rule is modified depending on wether there are other planets in the STARS of this Planet, and wether the Houses owned are Empty or have some other planets in them. (Hers,Neptune,Pluto,For are not con...

Random Numbers - KP Yes or No Prashna

KP Random Numbers  No. Sign From (Deg/Min/Sec) To (Deg/Min/Sec) Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Lord 1 Aries 00°00′00″ 00°46′40″ Mars Ketu Ketu 2 Aries 00°46′40″ 03°00′00” Mars Ketu Venus 3 Aries 03°00′00″ 03°40′00” Mars Ketu Sun 4 Aries 03°40′00″ 04°46’40” Mars Ketu Moon 5 Aries 04°46′40″ 05°33’20” Mars Ketu Mars 6 Aries 05°33′20″ 07°33’20” Mars Ketu Rahu 7 Aries 07°33′20″ 09°20’00” Mars Ketu Jupiter 8 Aries 09°20′00″ 11°26’40” Mars Ketu Saturn 9 Aries 11°26′40″ 13°20’00” Mars Ketu Mercury 10 Aries 13°20′00″ 15°33′20” Mars Venus Venus 11 Aries 15°33′20″ 16°13′20” Mars Venus Sun 12 Aries 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Mars Venus Moon 13 Aries 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Mars Venus Mars 14 Aries 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Mars Venus Rahu 15 Aries 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Mars Venus Jupiter 16 Aries 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Mars Venus Saturn 17 Aries 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Mars Venus Mercury 18 Aries 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Mars Venus Ketu 19 Aries 26°40′00” 27°20′00” Mars Sun Sun 20 Aries 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Mars Sun Moo...

Birth time rectification in KP

Copied from an article for further study. Birth Time Rectification through K. P. Astrology The Rectification Rules : The First Testing The rules of rectification is based on the principles of Krishnamurthy Paddhati (K.P.) and Ruling Planets (R.P.) According to the principles of K.P., a planets position, linkages and effects are determined by the Sign, Constellation and Subdivision of the Constellation (popularly called as ‘sub’) that it occupies at a particular time. In other words, every planet is posited in a sign, occupying a particular star and situated in a sub in that star. Therefore, for a given moment of birth, the 1 Cusp (that is, is the Ascendant/Lagna) would be posited in a particular sign, star and sub. This Ascendant sign-star-sub is our starting point and the increase or decrease in birth time would be operated on this cuspal point. Our next consideration would be the Moon’s degree position in the Ruling planets.i For those readers who do not have a clear idea as to what ...